[V2] Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce Logo

Primary Contact: Your Details

Please let us know your direct contact details as the primary contact. This will not be the main business details, but rather, who should we call/text/email for billing, payment and contact relating to your membership with us.

Business Details

Choose Applicable Categories (Max 5)

What Are Your Social Handles?

Your Physical Address / Location

Mailing Address

Mailing Address Details

Business Details

Business Directory Details

Exactly how you enter these details is how it will appear on the business directory. All fields are optional.

Member 2 Member Discounts

Take the most advantage of your membership with our chamber by offering a Member 2 Member discount. This program offers another great way to market your organization in our marketing materials for free on our website offers, occasionally featured in our newsletters and mentioned at our events.

Member 2 Member Offer Details

Membership Tier & Payment Method

Chamber Membership Management Software Powered by ChamberRM